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Surah "Fatiha" (Opening the Book)

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  1. Bismil-laahi rrahmaani rrahiim.
  2. Al-hamdu lil-laahi rabbil-'aalamin.
  3. Ar-rahmaani rrahiim.
  4. Maaliki yaumid-diin.
  5. Iyaaka na'budu va iyaaka nasta'iin.
  6. Ihdina ssiraatal-mustakiim.
  7. Siraatol-lathiyna an'amta 'alayhim, gayril-magduubi 'alayhim va lad-doolliin. Amen.


1. In the name of Allah [in the name of God, the All-father, the One and only One for all], whose loving-kindness is unlimited and never-ending.

2. Truly eulogism is only for Allah - the Lord of the worlds.

3. Whose loving-kindness is unlimited and never-ending.

4. To Master of Judgment Day.

5. We worship You and ask You for help [approval, God berakah in our deeds].

6. Direct us to the right way.

7. The way of Your servants [among prophets, rasuls, holy men and all who honored] who were instructed for Your faith and were given Your loving-kindness, directing them to the direct way and gave them Your acceptance, but do not [lead us the way] of those who angered You and lost the way of truth and welfare [not performing and following obligations done by You].

"Fatiha" is the greatest surah of Quran. It is one of the most useful, deep and comprehensive Islam prayers. It says about the assembly of ideas and general meaning of Quran confirming monotheism and being a good news for followers. In this surah Allah warns about the penalty of sinners and non-followers, and also notices the necessity of the Lord Hyperdulia. Also the surah narrates about those who went after Allah and got the beautification, and those who did not go after Him, did not follow obligations fixed by Him and found them at a loss.

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