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Surah "Al-Kjafirun" (Unbelievers)

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  1. Bismil-laahi rrahmaani rrahiim.
  2. Kul ya ayyuhal-kaafiruun. Laa a'budu maa ta'buduun. Va laa antum 'abiduuna maa a'bud. Va laa ana 'aabidum-maa 'abadtum. Va laa antum 'aabiduna maa a'bud. Lakum diinukum va liya din.


1. "Say: O, unbelievers! I do not worship that you worship, and you do not worship That I worship. I do not worship that you worship, and you do not worship That I worship. You have a faith [religion] of your own, and I have mine!" (see Quran, 109).

The rasul of Allah, peace and benediction of Allah for him, read surahs "Al-Kjafirun" and "Al-Ikhlas" during two rak'ahs of salat al-fajr. And also before the most salat al-fajr he repeated particularly these two surahs more than ten or twenty times

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