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Surah "Al-'Asr" (Declining Day)

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  1. Bismil-laahi rrahmaani rrahiim.
  2. Val-'asr. Innal-insaana lafii husr. Illal-lathiyna aamanu va 'amilu ssaalihaati va tawaasaw bill-hakki va tawasaw bis-sabr.


1. "I swear by declining day. Indeed everybody is at a loss, except those, who have accepted, carried on godly deeds, (good causes), commanded each other the veracity and maqam of sabr [humility for Allah, taking themselves away from the sin]" (see Quran, 103).

Imam Ash-Shafy said: "If people wondered about this surah, it would be enough for them".Also it is passed that when two Companions of the Prophet of Allah met, they did not break up before one of them read to another the surah "Al-'Asr".

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