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Surah "Quraish" (Quraishits)

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  1. Bismil-laahi rrahmaani rrahiim.
  2. Li iilaafi kuraysh. Iilaafihim rihlatash-shitaai vas-soyf. Fal ya'buduu raba hathel-bayt. Allathii at'amahum min dju'iyuvva aamanahum min haufv.


1. "[Allah protected the Mecca inhabitants from Abrahi troop] in order to unite quraishits. [In order to] unite them in winter travels [commercial travels to Yemen] and in summer [when they went to Syria]. Let them worship the Lord of this Sanctuary [Kaaba]. Allah, who fed them protecting from hunger and gave them safe feeling setting free from fear [before severe Abrahi troop or anything else that can be a danger for Mecca and Kaaba]" (see Quran, 106).

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